Lifestyle and Beauty

Welcome to the Beauty and self-care side of my blog. This part of the blog is dedicated to guiding my sisters in Christ on a journey of biblical self-care, rooted and grounded in the teachings of faith. We understand that beauty is not just about the skin we see in the mirror but the peace, joy, and grace that radiates from within. I believe that taking care of ourselves is important and reflects gratitude towards God for giving us life and blessing us with a temple created in his image. Whether you're looking for skin-care tips, hair treatments, or deeper insights about the beauty world in general, I will provide you with steps and tools that nourish the body, uplift your spirit, and draw you closer to connect your femininity with God.

Here, you’ll find a blend of practical self-care tips and faith-based inspiration, as I encourage you to live a balanced life, filled with love, care and above all else the presence of God. This space is for those who want to cultivate beauty not just on the outside, but from the inside out, embracing God’s creations and His plan for our well-being.
In a world where beauty often feels like it’s defined by fleeting trends, I believe true beauty is rooted much deeper—it's a reflection of the heart and the spirit. Here, we’ll dive into how our faith influences how we view beauty and self-care, and how we can embrace the spiritual aspects of the beauty world. This blog is a journey of self-care, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Let’s discover together how to live out beauty with grace, purpose, and faith. Whether you're looking for beauty tips, spiritual encouragement, or both, I hope you’ll find inspiration here for cultivating beauty that honours God and reflects who you truly are.


About me

As a qualified Beauty therapist and advisor, makeup artist and hairdresser, I have tried and explored hundreds of different products through out the years, with nearly 10 years of experience in this world, I came to the conclusion that there's a lot that God's creation has to offer us in order to avoid and detox from synthetic products, ingredients and the chemicals we consume daily through our self care routines as women. I'm not also demonizing every single synthetic product out there, nowadays there's a lot of false information and doctrines of devils about ingredients and product reviews through out social media and almost every media platform, It is important to have the correct knowledge and information before we share any insights about what we consume in order to avoid leading others astray or create any confusion, our God is not the author of confusion. My goal here is to share my experiences, tips and some of the secrets in the industry more the benefits and results I was able to achieve using only God given natural ingredients. It is a joy to share with my sisters what God can do in our self care moments more exposing the lies that are occurring in the Beauty industry and Marketing tactics. It is my passion and divine gift to work with such theme and to help people to feel their best from the inside out more sharing and advising about different products, techniques and ingredients that fits the best.

God's creation reflects his wisdom and desires the best for us

When we look at God's creation and even ourselves, it is impossible to deny a creator behind all this and the beautiful hand of God, the dedication he had in every detail when crafting his work of art it reflects how much more he cared for us when he created us in his image. Our bodies fight everyday to keep us healthy and strong, he wants the best for us and to prosper us. It's his will that we live an abundant life.

Self-care is not selfish

There are controversies sometimes when it comes to the word self-care, many assume it's a selfish act towards ourselves, and it's not necessarily true. Yes there should be limits and we should keep things balanced in healthy ways, but it is also God's will that we take care of our temples and do not neglect it, he cares about everything that we do with this temporary body that to dust shall return, but while we are here we should keep ourselves in shape in order to serve and glorify God effectively! When we take care of ourselves it also reflects an act of gratitude towards God for the gift of life and because he loved us first. (Mark 12:30-31) - Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” God is also telling us here to love our neighbour AS OURSELVES providing evidence that he also desires his children to take care of themselves and practice self love, again, in a healthy and balanced way.


What does self-care truly means?

In the today's world and society there's a crazy amount of pressure especially towards women to look a certain way and to fix multiple different things about themselves on a external way when the true transformation comes from the inside first. The world will always try to fix the external but never the internal, I am also not saying that external appearance doesn't matter, it also does and it can be also important for confidence and attraction, the word of God mentions many times the beautiful and desired women like our Queen Esther, The Bible tells us that Esther was so beautiful, the king looked at her once and made her his queen, but we can't read her story without noticing how much God highlights her inner courage and love to save her people, her bravery and courage was what saved her people from death.
Religious and controlling spirits will tell you and distort bible verses to convince women to neglect their appearance which is not true, one of their favourite bible verses when using such thing against women is (1 Timothy 2:9-10) - In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. Does it mean God is forbidding the wearing of gold jewellery or the braiding of hair? No. What God is trying to tell us through this verse is that we should not allow external adornments to define our beauty and to put our confidence on what we wear or how expensive are the shoes or designer bags we carry but to put our focus, confidence and identity on him and the inside first. It is true that we don't see a lot through out the Bible about how people looked like, God is very focused on what's inside people's hearts than what's on the outside (Proverbs 31:10) - "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." but that doesn't mean we shouldn't take care of the outwards appearance at all.



Because of the influence we are bombarded with daily through media, as women we have ALL been guilty of comparing ourselves to the next top model or actress on the main stream media, movies, music clips, magazines, etc.. you name it, what we forget about in those moments is that we are unknowingly insulting what God made and created in us. It deeply grieves God's heart when his children express hate towards what he created in them, he made each one of us unique, that is also why he created us with a unique finger print to symbolize that we are someone with a unique identity and purpose in him.
(Jeremiah 1:5) - “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.

We all have our own type of beauty in a unique way, the toxic world will elect and idolize different models as the '' most beautiful women in the world'' and certain body types or features which is unfair to be said and extremely toxic, it's ruining people's minds, self image and identity especially for those who don't know better or don't even have a relationship with Jesus..

Plastic surgery and the spiritual meanings behind it

Cosmetic procedures are on the rise more and more, the industry is factoring billions of dollars through the influence of convincing beautiful perfect girls that there's something wrong with their face and that they need to go under the knife in order to be accepted when most of them are not even aware that they are already accepted by the most high God. I'm not 100% against such procedures, I believe God created medicine and certain procedures to help those in need to get a life change and I'm all for that and support the happiness and wellbeing of those who truly need it, including certain cosmetic/beauty surgeries as long as it is done in a modest and balanced way.
What I cannot support is when it's done unnecessarily and with the wrong motives. Most plastic and cosmetic procedures that are trending nowadays have the goal behind it to remove the feminine features away from women and disconnect them from embracing modesty and the true meaning of what a women looks like.

What many don't know or are not even aware of is that there's a spiritual battle behind all this.. As I mentioned before on my ministry, Satan hates everything that reminds him of God and his beautiful work of art, and he is wise.. that's why God told us in (Matthew 10:16) - “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be WISE AS SERPENTS and harmless as doves.'' so of course he would get his hands into the world of beauty and plastic surgery. He hates God's image, and he will put thoughts in our minds to hate God's image and creation to a point he will be able to manipulate us to change it in order to fit in with his agenda unless we have the armour of God against his schemes and the spiritual eyes and discernment of the Holy Spirit.


Why is modesty important and the influence of porn in our society

The world will always tell us that good is evil and evil good, when we are trying to do the right thing especially as Christians we will be seen as the strange and wrong ones because evil has been normalized and society simply goes with the flow, God warned us that it would be like this in the end times. When it comes to modesty, in our modern society it's seen as a weakness and a strict rule especially towards women, we have been told that we can do whatever we want with our bodies which is half truth because God gave us free will to make our own choices, but that doesn't mean that there will be no consequences if we make the wrong choices, the bible tells us in (Galatians 6:7-8) - ''For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.''

When God calls us to be modest and dress in modest apparel it means that not only he wants the best for us but also for those around us, He knows what he says when he gives us commandments and calls us to be holy and represent holiness, that doesn't mean we have to be religious or legalistic, but he simply calls us to have self respect for our bodies and those around us. As women, the way our bodies are designed differently from the opposite sex, we can portray a very sensual appearance because of the curves and the smaller features we possess that leads to seduction more easily, we were truly designed with a different purpose and natural seductive traits.
Because of the high influence that the porn industry had in the world, we live in a hyper sexualized society where almost everything is seen through the eyes of lust and perversion, It officially became the norm and even the goal and pride of many people to be know as the most perverted or unclean person as possible and even reach goal numbers of partners who they can sleep with in 1 day/row, we are living in perilous times, there's an identity crisis going on like never before and many are not trained on how to overcome it or fight against it plus the spiritual side of things and how serious soul ties, spiritual husbands/wives and sex demons can destroy the human body and soul if not dealt with only through the power of Jesus Christ.
(1 Corinthians 6:18-20) - Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Please note that I'm not trying to put anyone down or make them feel unworthy, even as Christians, most of us have also had a past in such type of sins but what I want to highlight here today is how important the awareness, repentance and deliverance is in order to be free from the dangers of this spirits and the consequences of sin.
As women of God and even women and men in general, we should represent and give our best when it comes to present a modest apparel, in order to support a better society even the body of Christ by helping our brothers and sisters to not fall in perversion and overcoming this battle since it's one of the most difficult battles to overcome I venture to say, sex it's one of the biggest pleasures of the flesh and there's nothing wrong with sex since it was created by God himself but for the right purpose and context of marriage, Satan perverted once again God's design and used it through his porn business to destroy the context of it and the even the family bound and many other things it can go deep, but when we come to Christ he restores what Satan perverted in our lives and we are now able to walk in freedom and restoration. We should also guard our eyes and ear gates, sin is being promoted everywhere all the time from all sources and Satan will send in our way seductions, temptations and distractions especially when we are on the path of deliverance to disrupt our walk in God. (Matthew 6:22) - “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. ''
His agenda and target with all this is once again to the destroy the family bound, marriages and even children since this elements is what makes a strong society, enslave men and women to the their own pleasure and never ending cycle of self destruction.